Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 19 Affiliate Training

Tuesday morning and I’m just returning from the Red Cup Cafe. As you know, I also work nights at the casino and was "released" around 9am. This is the first day of my 3-day weekend so I am excited about some time off.

We just came from the cafe, where, every week we meet with a friend to discuss raising money to send medical supplies to Africa. One of the way’s we do this is through Affiliate marketing online. While I am still fairly new to the idea, I have done lot’s of research and am currently working on several way’s to use this strategy.

My new friend at the cafe is also using the affiliate marketing techniques to raise money for the medical supplies she needs. It’s nice to finally meet someone I can talk to about this because most of my friends don’t think it’s possible. She is also learning this strategy and I have been able to help her with some things I have learned.

I showed her how to use the google calendar along with other products to help her be more efficient online. She is like a sponge absorbing everything she can get her hands on. The thing I like the most is the fact that she is older then me but does not let that stand in her way. Most people think it’s to late for them start something new and she is an example of how to keep moving forward no matter how old you are. She is by no means and old lady, I am simply saying that it’s nice to meet someone who doesn’t let age stand in the way.

With this attitude I think she will go far. We are learning the online business together from the ground up. There is so much to it that it is easy to get lost in a sea of information. I try my best to weed through the multitude of online offers and seek out the best info I can using well known sources with a good track record.

Affiliate marketing is an awesome way to get started in online marketing. It’s probably the cheapest and best way to begin because you don’t need a website to get started. There is a lot of work involved the idea of simply sending traffic to someone’s website and getting paid a commission, it’s a simple idea and it works. The trick is to find ways to successfully generate enough traffic to pay for the advertising costs of paid per click or any other source of advertising. There are many other ways to generate free traffic but it takes time to build a names list to market to and one must set up accounts with multiple social media sites to start getting a steady stream of clicks.

Generating traffic for any website or program be it yours or another party is a fascinating process. It can get quite complicated to keep track of so many profiles, logins and passwords but its a necessary evil if one is to be successful at it.

The whole process is amazing to me and I spend most of my time online building blogs and then directing traffic to them in order to make money from the links therein. I am by no means an expert yet but I am doing all I can to learn how to be successful at this idea.

Blogs are one way to earn, another is having your own website. I started one a while back and although it’s not mine anymore and was sold to someone else, at least it still works and is making money. That means that I must be learning something and doing it right to make a site that is still working.

We built that site from nothing using the stores online software and while I can’t wait to build more, my goal for now is to generate income promoting other people links. One thing I do is this blog for instance. My purpose for this blog is 3 fold, one, to learn the process of traffic generation by doing it from the ground up, two, to raise money from the google links on the page and three, to possibly help people become motivated to chase their own dreams by posting information that helps them along their own way.

I figure that even though I am not the expert that some people may enjoy watching someone start from scratch and make it work. I hope that it helps someone along the way.

So, with that, I want to say thanks for stopping by and reading my posts, following along with my online ventures and hopefully I can help you too.

With that, I’m going to call it a day, until the next time,

This is Magic Mike Coffee saying.....Follow your dreams and put Action to them!

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