Thursday, January 28, 2010

DAY 18 Value of Free Seminars

It’s Monday again, already! Only one more night to go until my weekend days! Monday’s are cool to me, I like them because unlike most people, it signifies the end of the week for me, so while most are dreading the beginning I am looking forward to the end, for me, it’s my Friday!

Most of the world seems to live for the weekend and I am no different. There is nothing wrong with looking forward to time away from work for any reason but it is sad to me that this is the only thing most of us have to look forward to during the week. For this reason my goal this year is to schedule different activities and even trips throughout the year. There are many things one can do in the city for entertainment or at the very least to further your education or life experience. One of the best is going to a free seminar! I love them, you know the ones I’m talking about, those pesky infomercials that come on late at night. They offer you the world and make it sound so easy!

It’s funny to me how because these offers sound to good to be true that people will use that as an excuse not to go the them. I never understood that, even though you know they are there to sell you something doesn’t mean you have to buy what they are offering. To me, they are great opportunities to see business from a different perspective. Think about it, even though you know going in that your not going to buy for what ever reason you can still go and enjoy what they have to say.

I love going to these, many of them are free and even offer free gifts and sometimes lunches! To me this is a fun reason to get out of the house and do something different. It only costs you some gas money and who knows, you might even learn something!

IT’s also fun for me because I enjoy going to new hotels, just the whole experience of being in a professional setting with people who are in a good mood and have something positive to say is a great reason to go. We are constantly bombarded in life with negative input from many different sources such as the news, friends, family, strangers who just cut us off in traffic, you name it, the list is endless. This reason alone is enough to get me to go, even if I don’t like what they have to say or agree with their method or sales pitch, just the fact that I got to go out and see a new place, meet some energetic people and learn something new about the market place is enough reason for me to do it.

There is a lot to be said about being around positive people or having some kind of regular activity or event where you can get some positive input or feedback. Church does the trick for a lot of people and while there is nothing wrong with that it does tend to be one sided sometimes. All I mean by that is the fact that normally you are there for only one reason, be it there is nothing wrong with that reason and there is nothing wrong with going because it can be a real source of positive energy to be around and if this is your only outlet then by all means take advantage, all I am saying is that they are there to worship, nothing more. I realize this may not be the case in every church, I am simply saying that I think it’s important to get other views of the world that your not expecting. Church is great and serves it’s purpose and there a many reasons to go, I am simply saying that it’s a big world out there with many different points of view and I think it helps to be involved in different arena’s so as to get a well rounded view of the world and it’s struggles and passions.

I am simply trying to say, that I don’t think church should be the only place you get positive input or feedback on your dreams or goals. Find like minded people to hang around, pick the people with similar goals or industries like real estate for instance. I like to go to the local real estate investors meetings, they have them once a month and they are a great source of positive input and information. Many of them even go to church and they also realize that finding like minded people in your area of interest is an important part of a well rounded schedule. Just being around people who have the same interests as you do will help you move on your ideas because they help you see the same thing in a different way and sometimes that is all you need to get going.

So, my advice is get out there, take advantage of some of the free seminars available. Try them out, go in with an open mind, learn what you can and don’t worry if can’t buy anything, your main goal is to get out, do something different, it’s free and you just might learn something about the market place you didn’t know before while having a good time and networking with like minded people.

That is what I am doing today, I am adding the dates of the next investors meeting to my schedule and calling for free info on an infomercial I saw last night about the stock market.

I am looking forward to going to the free seminar, learning something about the stock market which is another avenue I plan to explore in the future when I have some money to invest. I can’t wait to learn how to day trade online in the future. Even though this is a long term goal I still need info about it and this is the perfect opportunity to get some in a fun way.

That’s all for today, until the next post;

Magic Mike Coffee...saying.....Live your Dreams and Act Now!

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