Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 19 Affiliate Training

Tuesday morning and I’m just returning from the Red Cup Cafe. As you know, I also work nights at the casino and was "released" around 9am. This is the first day of my 3-day weekend so I am excited about some time off.

We just came from the cafe, where, every week we meet with a friend to discuss raising money to send medical supplies to Africa. One of the way’s we do this is through Affiliate marketing online. While I am still fairly new to the idea, I have done lot’s of research and am currently working on several way’s to use this strategy.

My new friend at the cafe is also using the affiliate marketing techniques to raise money for the medical supplies she needs. It’s nice to finally meet someone I can talk to about this because most of my friends don’t think it’s possible. She is also learning this strategy and I have been able to help her with some things I have learned.

I showed her how to use the google calendar along with other products to help her be more efficient online. She is like a sponge absorbing everything she can get her hands on. The thing I like the most is the fact that she is older then me but does not let that stand in her way. Most people think it’s to late for them start something new and she is an example of how to keep moving forward no matter how old you are. She is by no means and old lady, I am simply saying that it’s nice to meet someone who doesn’t let age stand in the way.

With this attitude I think she will go far. We are learning the online business together from the ground up. There is so much to it that it is easy to get lost in a sea of information. I try my best to weed through the multitude of online offers and seek out the best info I can using well known sources with a good track record.

Affiliate marketing is an awesome way to get started in online marketing. It’s probably the cheapest and best way to begin because you don’t need a website to get started. There is a lot of work involved the idea of simply sending traffic to someone’s website and getting paid a commission, it’s a simple idea and it works. The trick is to find ways to successfully generate enough traffic to pay for the advertising costs of paid per click or any other source of advertising. There are many other ways to generate free traffic but it takes time to build a names list to market to and one must set up accounts with multiple social media sites to start getting a steady stream of clicks.

Generating traffic for any website or program be it yours or another party is a fascinating process. It can get quite complicated to keep track of so many profiles, logins and passwords but its a necessary evil if one is to be successful at it.

The whole process is amazing to me and I spend most of my time online building blogs and then directing traffic to them in order to make money from the links therein. I am by no means an expert yet but I am doing all I can to learn how to be successful at this idea.

Blogs are one way to earn, another is having your own website. I started one a while back and although it’s not mine anymore and was sold to someone else, at least it still works and is making money. That means that I must be learning something and doing it right to make a site that is still working.

We built that site from nothing using the stores online software and while I can’t wait to build more, my goal for now is to generate income promoting other people links. One thing I do is this blog for instance. My purpose for this blog is 3 fold, one, to learn the process of traffic generation by doing it from the ground up, two, to raise money from the google links on the page and three, to possibly help people become motivated to chase their own dreams by posting information that helps them along their own way.

I figure that even though I am not the expert that some people may enjoy watching someone start from scratch and make it work. I hope that it helps someone along the way.

So, with that, I want to say thanks for stopping by and reading my posts, following along with my online ventures and hopefully I can help you too.

With that, I’m going to call it a day, until the next time,

This is Magic Mike Coffee saying.....Follow your dreams and put Action to them!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

DAY 18 Value of Free Seminars

It’s Monday again, already! Only one more night to go until my weekend days! Monday’s are cool to me, I like them because unlike most people, it signifies the end of the week for me, so while most are dreading the beginning I am looking forward to the end, for me, it’s my Friday!

Most of the world seems to live for the weekend and I am no different. There is nothing wrong with looking forward to time away from work for any reason but it is sad to me that this is the only thing most of us have to look forward to during the week. For this reason my goal this year is to schedule different activities and even trips throughout the year. There are many things one can do in the city for entertainment or at the very least to further your education or life experience. One of the best is going to a free seminar! I love them, you know the ones I’m talking about, those pesky infomercials that come on late at night. They offer you the world and make it sound so easy!

It’s funny to me how because these offers sound to good to be true that people will use that as an excuse not to go the them. I never understood that, even though you know they are there to sell you something doesn’t mean you have to buy what they are offering. To me, they are great opportunities to see business from a different perspective. Think about it, even though you know going in that your not going to buy for what ever reason you can still go and enjoy what they have to say.

I love going to these, many of them are free and even offer free gifts and sometimes lunches! To me this is a fun reason to get out of the house and do something different. It only costs you some gas money and who knows, you might even learn something!

IT’s also fun for me because I enjoy going to new hotels, just the whole experience of being in a professional setting with people who are in a good mood and have something positive to say is a great reason to go. We are constantly bombarded in life with negative input from many different sources such as the news, friends, family, strangers who just cut us off in traffic, you name it, the list is endless. This reason alone is enough to get me to go, even if I don’t like what they have to say or agree with their method or sales pitch, just the fact that I got to go out and see a new place, meet some energetic people and learn something new about the market place is enough reason for me to do it.

There is a lot to be said about being around positive people or having some kind of regular activity or event where you can get some positive input or feedback. Church does the trick for a lot of people and while there is nothing wrong with that it does tend to be one sided sometimes. All I mean by that is the fact that normally you are there for only one reason, be it there is nothing wrong with that reason and there is nothing wrong with going because it can be a real source of positive energy to be around and if this is your only outlet then by all means take advantage, all I am saying is that they are there to worship, nothing more. I realize this may not be the case in every church, I am simply saying that I think it’s important to get other views of the world that your not expecting. Church is great and serves it’s purpose and there a many reasons to go, I am simply saying that it’s a big world out there with many different points of view and I think it helps to be involved in different arena’s so as to get a well rounded view of the world and it’s struggles and passions.

I am simply trying to say, that I don’t think church should be the only place you get positive input or feedback on your dreams or goals. Find like minded people to hang around, pick the people with similar goals or industries like real estate for instance. I like to go to the local real estate investors meetings, they have them once a month and they are a great source of positive input and information. Many of them even go to church and they also realize that finding like minded people in your area of interest is an important part of a well rounded schedule. Just being around people who have the same interests as you do will help you move on your ideas because they help you see the same thing in a different way and sometimes that is all you need to get going.

So, my advice is get out there, take advantage of some of the free seminars available. Try them out, go in with an open mind, learn what you can and don’t worry if can’t buy anything, your main goal is to get out, do something different, it’s free and you just might learn something about the market place you didn’t know before while having a good time and networking with like minded people.

That is what I am doing today, I am adding the dates of the next investors meeting to my schedule and calling for free info on an infomercial I saw last night about the stock market.

I am looking forward to going to the free seminar, learning something about the stock market which is another avenue I plan to explore in the future when I have some money to invest. I can’t wait to learn how to day trade online in the future. Even though this is a long term goal I still need info about it and this is the perfect opportunity to get some in a fun way.

That’s all for today, until the next post;

Magic Mike Coffee...saying.....Live your Dreams and Act Now!

DAY 17 Hope Abounds

Another Sunday has come and gone, my my, how time flies when your having fun!

This was mostly a day of rest for me although I did work online some more. Doing research of warehouse properties to use for my new poker idea.

I have always wanted to develop a weekly show with the setting around a poker room. Shoot it like the do the E.R. episodes, the only difference would be the situations would revolve around a poker room. Show the behind the scenes stuff like what the dealers go through on a daily basis and so forth. More on this idea in a later post.

For now, today is resting up for the up coming weekend to have the energy to do make the most out of my days off.

I did learn something interesting today, it goes along with my feeling putting action to my dreams this year. I always try to learn something new each day, even when it comes from a source I wasn’t expecting, in this case, it came from the unknown, a player at the casino.

His words, which I hate to say, were actually inspiring. I say "hate to say it" because I have grown immune to the players and their petty views on life, which explains why they spend all their time chasing money by gambling, but sometimes, even they have a lucid moment and one must pay attention to all sources in order to gain the most out of life.

This player pointed out the even though we all have things we want out of life, we often put them off with no regard as to why. We often justify our existence or circumstances and decide to settle for less even when we don’t really want to. Now, this alone was not the revelation of insight I am speaking about, I now all to well about losing time and not acting on the things I want, which is the purpose of my new found reason for being this year and that is to put action to my ideas.

The thing that struck me about what he said was not the words or ideas he was speaking about, not they are not important, because they are, but it was the fact that he said it. What struck me was the realization that everyone has something on the inside that they want to do.

I knew this to be true, but it was nice to hear someone else say it. It’s easy to forget that there are others in the world that think or feel the same way we do. We tend to forget or feel sorry for ourselves, thinking that we are the only ones that feel that way and that is simply not always true. There are many people with similar feelings and thoughts and to me it’s comforting to know that I am not the only one out there who feels the same way.

Knowing this helps me to not get to down on myself about any one thing because I know that I am not the only one going through it. It doesn’t matter what it is, just the thought that others may have the same struggle helps me to know that I am still normal for feeling that way and this thought helps me deal with it in a realistic fashion.

This thought of acting now was in my mind all day, so when I got home, even though I was tired, I got online and worked toward my goals some more.

Thats all for today, until the next time.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

DAY 16...Sunday’s post I arrive home after another long night at work with

DAY 16...Sunday’s post

I arrive home after another long night at work with the will to work and no strength to do so. My goal of becoming debt free this year by June 1st is something I will have to work towards every day in order for it to happen. As I sit at the computer, knowing there is no time to waste, I realize that I must fight the feeling of exaustion to continue on.

It’s been said that successful people keep working even when they do not feel like it. They say that this is one of the major contributors to their success. The ability to carry on even though they don’t feel like it. Athletes also do this, especially when it comes to breaking a record, they must try harder than the last to make it happen. It’s easy to get comfortable in a daily routine especially when working a full time job. My goal is to work on new things every day no matter how tired I am from work. I also do not want this effort to affect my performance at work and that is a hard thing to pull off.

The question is, how does one complete the responsibilities at work while still having the energy to work on projects outside of the work place? I think the secret is being very organized. It has been a goal of mine for quite some time now to become as organized as possible. I think once we get a handle on all the distractions in our lives we can fully move forward on our dreams and goals.

When I say distractions I am referring to the seemingly million things that pop up when you try to work on something at home. You know what I mean, the dog starts barking, the phone rings, or you notice that pile of clothes is stacking up and you feel guilty for not working on your project instead of cleaning the house like you should be. There are many examples of things that take away our concentration and it is our job not to let them in.

Once of the main ways to combat the distractions is to set up a schedule. I have written down a daily schedule of what, when, why, and where. I know how long I need to sleep, how long it takes to get to work and back and all the errands I need to run or things around the house I need to do. I make lists and then schedule a time to take care of them. Doing this helps me tremendously and may help you too. A great tool I have found for this is using the google calander. I like google because all their products plug into each other, for example, my gmail contacts automatically sincronize with my google voice number. The google maps feature also is helpful and I can save and send directions to anything.

Google products are easy to use and the main thing I like is the data is all stored on google’s servers. This is helpful because I don’t have to be at my computer to access the info, I can use any computer anywhere with internet access and I can have everything I do personalized and accessible 24/7.

Another thing I like about the calander is the ability to set up notifications. It allows me to send text messages to my phone to remind me of appointments, this is very helpful because I can set it and forget it! I can also invite others to an event using the gmail feature, they can see the date, time, and even directions. They can respond and collaborate on any event I invite them to. This makes scheduling much easier and the fact that all this is accessible from the web and even my phone is greatly helpful.

Those are a few techniques and tools I use to organize my life. This helps me get a lot more done in the short amount of time I have and I also don’t forget anything, which is nice.

Once you are properly organized you can do a lot more then you would think. If you have a free hour on Tuesday nights for example, instead of watching your favorite T.V. show then, instead, record it for a later time and use that hour for something else. You could spend 30 minutes returning emails or doing research online or even making some quick phone calls on properties. Then you could schedule in a time to watch to show you missed before you go to bed or on another day. Using technology to your advantage will save you a lot of time and help you get much more done.

People tell me they don’t want their whole lives to be planned out but at the same time those are the same people who never get anything done. They are always swayed by the next thing that comes down the line when all they have to do is at least set aside some time to work on their goals.

I decided to plan everything out and then have the flexibility to change my plans accordingly when emergencies or un-forseen cituations arise. At least through planning I have an idea of whats going to happen so that I don’t waste time but I can always change it if I need to.

This is my focus today, to work on my scheduling and set up more automated systems that will save me time and get me closer to my goal.

Until the next post.....laters :)

Day 15 ...Lets go!

Amazingly the first month of the year is almost over, hard to believe. It seems like getting things done during the week when I work is getting harder and harder, but I am making it.

It’s funny how time passes so fast, you wake up one day and another week is gone. Although I feel like we have been able to keep up the momentum from the beginning of the year I still have to be careful to stay on track, it’s easy for time to slip by.

Today is my first day back to the work week. Most people work 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, I however, work the night shift at a local casino. So, that means, while most people are sleeping I am working. When most people are shopping or running errands, I am sleeping like a supposed baby. This is a hard schedule to keep, in fact, most can’t handle it on a regular basis but I have come to really enjoy it. for one thing, even though I have been growing tired of the hours, I have found ways to use it to my advantage.

I think that most things in life can be gotten something good out of if you just look hard enough.

these are the thoughts running through mind as I prepare to sleep. I need the rest because there is a lot to do this week. I am looking forward to the challenges and cannot wait to get going, so....Lets do it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

DAY 14 Online Marketing..continued

Since yesterday I have been working on my online ventures.  On my weekends, it's easy to get my day's and night's mixed up. I guess it's the pitfalls of working the night shift.

If you read my last post you will notice that I have been very active online over the past several year's.  My goal is to create multiple streams of income using various forms of e-commerce, such as, Affiliate marketing & website's.
My first website called "costa rica coffee cafe" was a success!  Even though I am no longer associated with the site, I am excited to know that it still continues on!  The coffee website was the brain storm of my mother and I after attending a Stores Online Seminar. Many people told me not to go, that it wasn't worth it, but I disagree.

Stores Online literally have the best online marketing training out there and I encourage anyone to get started with them. We learned so much about the internet, things like, SEO (search engine optimization), Keywords and google advertising. These are essential to any internet venture.

I had no idea there was so much involved and I am happy I spent the money to learn it correctly. One of the things stores online does best is create a software that builds your website for you. They also have an extensive collection of help videos, online training, and even a live chat or phone call for support.
Although the software was expensive, I see the endless possibilities it provides, along with simplicity and unconventional and extensive training and support that is second to none!

Using these tools I build my first website called Costa Rica Coffee Cafe. I used the training and techniques they taught and was successfully directing free traffic to my site. This was very exciting for me, I have to say!
It's nice when you decide to do something and it actually works!

Even though I no longer have the coffee website, I am planning to do more on different subjects soon. Right now I am learning the affiliate marketing side of things and this to is fun. Thankfully the training I received will prove helpful for this venture and other's like it.

I also mentioned my affiliation with the Blastoff Network. There is a video on the side panel of this page that explains more. This one venture is exciting to say the least! I talk about it extensively in my last post, so check that out for more info or watch the video. Better yet, just click the link at the top of the page and see for yourself. I have never seen another offer like it or as good and I think you will be surprised!

To continue with today's efforts, I am posting some of the profiles I use for generating traffic. As you know, Social Networking on the web has become a part of our daily lives. Like most, I enjoy staying in contact with friends and family, not to mention, playing some cool games!
Although I don't want to "pester" friends and family, I do realize that there are many people out there who would like to make money online or connect with like minded people on a variety of subjects and this is what I do with the many networks and profiles I am associated with.

For a list of all the profiles and networks I have, GO HERE. This is my google profile, on it, is a complete list of all the networks I currently have.

Soon I will build more website's as well. That is one of the major reasons I want to use the real estate money I make to get set up online. I believe that internet marketing is the wave of the future and I can't wait to set up more new website's that make me money literally around the clock!

If you like the idea of making money online then stay tuned to my blog, this is where I will list any idea's I have come across that are working for me. In return, if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or idea's I would love to hear them, feel free to share! I want this blog to be a resource for anyone who wants to make money other then working for a living.

Thanks for stoppin by, I will be debt free by june 1st this year, my birthday! This is my story of everything I do each day to get me closer to that goal! I appreciate any and all comments so feel free to share!

Until tomorrow!

DAY 13 Online Venture's!

Today is my day to work at Home Online.  As you know, My goal of becoming Debt Free by June 1st this year has more to do with real estate strategies, however, I wanted to show some of my online venture's as well.

My belief is that it will only take one or two real estate deals for me to become debt free.  Even though I am working on those deals, I am also actively involved in Online Marketing.  I have spent the better part of the last two years researching, learning, trying and building income from the web.  My plan is to use the real estate income to pay bills and give the capitol to invest in E-commerce.  One thing I like about internet marketing is the idea of residual income.  I also believe it's the wave of the future.  I really like the idea of my website's making me money 24/7 while I sleep.  I think this is the number one thing for me, the fact that most of the work can be automated!

So, today, in order to get closer to my goal, I am working online. I thought I would take some time to show you some of the things I am doing online and also give you some history as to how I started online and my current progress.

My first Online venture was a coffee website.  I built this website through the Store's Online Software.
Store's Online came to town and did a free seminar on how to build websites.  My mother and I went to this seminar and it literally blew us away!  I had always wanted to make money online but didn't fully understand everything thats involved, this company showed me how.
Another great thing about storesonline is they provided the software to do it. Although the software is pricy, it's definatly worth it in my book. There are many way's to get started online without purchasing their program but I for one saw the value and jumped right in!

The first website I built is Costa Rica Coffee Cafe.  This Idea was developed by me and my mother, who, incedently are in business together.  Our goal is to develope online income that will support the entire family.
We used to live in Costa Rica and we loved the coffee, so the idea was to build a website that would encompass any and all brands of Costa Rica Coffee.
We were pleased with the outcome! We built the costaricacoffeecafe from scratch and it still continues as a successful website to this day!
Unfortunatly, we do not own it any more, but it's still proof in the pudding that it can be done!  We are still proud the site continues even though we are no longer involved.  We do have plans to make a new one soon.

Current online ventures are the Blastoff Network.  This is a company who has designed a Free homepage for anyone! They are focusing on what's called, Viral Marketing, which is the new wave of online marketing.
I really like this idea because it's simple, anyone can do it and best of all it's FREE!
I know it's hard to believe, especially with all the different online scams out there but I can truely say it works.

The Blastoff Network is simple, they know people like to shop online at places like, Starbucks, Target, Barnes & Noble, so they simply link you to those website through your homepage.  Once you, or someone you refer, clicks the link and order's, you get a commission.  It's as simple as that, and one thing I like is when people click the link it takes them right to the actual Vendor's website! This means that if you need to buy some sheets for Target, or purchase plane tickets from Priceline for your next trip, simply go to your own mall, click the link and it will take you to the website.  Once there, you not only get a discount but you get paid cash back on every purchase!

The coolest part of this idea is that you also get paid on everyone you refer, everyone they refer and so on and they pay you all the way out to 10 degrees of separation! That's Powerful!
Imagine this, let's say you refer a friend, they go shop, but before they do, they also sign up for a free homepage mall and click through their own link, then they will Also get paid and you will too!

To me, this is absolutely incredible, to know that I can tell my friends who need to schedule their next trip to sign up for free, click the link, shop at a discount right on the same website they were going to use anyway, get paid to do it and I also get paid just for sending them!  To think that this can continue to ten levels deep and the only thing anyone has paid for is the product they were going to buy anyway is simply the coolest Idea I have found online.

My next venture online will be through affiliate marketing using Pay Per Click Advertising. There are many way's to do this, one is to use a blog, generate traffic to it, then make money on the links they click and possibly any products they buy when clicking those links.

I also use lot's of Social Networking to help generate traffic to my site's.  Here are some of the most popular just to name a few, your welcome to add me to your friends list if you like.


My goal is to learn how to also teach other's how to do the same. I want friends and family to make money online if they choose and I am happy to show them what I've learned.

Online Marketing is a wonderful thing, unfortunately many never learn how to do it properly. Although my progress has been slow, I am confident in the eventual outcome!

Hopefully I have given you some inspiration and insight to start your own website. Now that you have seen some of what I am up to online, feel free to ask questions or post comments about it, I welcome new ideas.

That sums it up for today, I am at home working on various online enterprises and will post any results here.

Until tomorrow!  Magic Mike Coffee....signing out!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

DAY 12 the Africa Nurse

After yesterdays meeting I felt confident that today we could continue moving forward on our goals even faster. I was content to know that we had set some definate dates on things.

We had to meet with the landlord around noon and since I get off work in the mornings, staying up is a challenge. Many time’s work is exhausting and I have to be careful not to sit down for to long or I’ll fall asleep and lose the day. Everyone knows that Once I do lay down for the day, I’m down for the count and dare even a tornado to try and wake me!

Fortunatly last night was easier and I was still feeling fairly rested with enough energy to keep going. It’s a challenge to do business in the morning after working all night but one has to make the best of the situation and move on anyway. Luckily I’m getting better at it and have developed a great work ethic. I have been meeting in the mornings after work now for quite some time and am getting used to it. They say that your habits make you and I’m happy that I have at least one good one now that will help me hit my goal.

So, in order to stay awake for the meeting we decided to use the time wisely and go to the local coffee shop. This way there would be no chance of me falling asleep and we could use that time to do some research and planning while waiting for 12:00 to roll around.

I am glad we did! Thanks to mom for being so outgoing too. Mom had asked a lady sitting next to us about her laptop, did she like it and was it easy to carry around? The conversation eventually led to what she does for a living and we were blown away!

This lady was a nurse and always had a desire to go to Africa and help the locals with her medical expertise. Come to find out, she even started raising money to export medical supplies.

She told us all about her trip abroad and how much it had changed her life. We learned all about the organization she works with and her plans to return. This is something that is also close to my mothers heart. I also want to help people with their financial situations so they can go do things like this.

This nurse is currently out of work and looking for way’s to finance her trip back. She started a blog and needed help with that too.

Although my goal is to be debt free, I have a desire to help other’s do the same. I think this desire comes from my day’s on the mission field when I was kid. It seemed like every time we needed something done we stopped by the lack on finances.

I know that most of the world suffer’s from that and it’s my desire to help people get what they want out of life. I figure why not? If I can do it then so can they, it will sure be fun trying. Anyone can do the easy thing and just get it all for them self. but that’s the easy way out, and really, when you think about it, one person can only spend so much before its redundant. So, my plan is to help others become debt free, that’s why I started this blog. I want to document my journey of becoming debt free in the hopes that they will see it’s possible for anyone to do it. If I can do it from nothing, then so can they!

For this reason I was excited to meet this lady. She had a big heart for the villages in Africa that suffer so much. It’s actually amazing when you think about it, we think our problems are big, but if you have ever seen the movie Blood Diamond, you will know what I mean. We have it easy compared to those people!

Like many, she has great ideas but needs the funds to do it. I was able to give her some of my ideas of raising money and she loved it! I have also studied internet marketing and was able to show her some things on the computer that helped out a lot!

I showed her how to use the google calendar and how to post pictures to her blog. This way she can share her mission with others and keep an ongoing record of it all complete with pic’s and videos.

She was so excited to have some help and support, in fact, we scheduled another meeting with her for next week and I look forward to it.

I have some unique ideas on how to raise money for charities or any project for that matter. There is nothing wrong with the normal way, people like to give, but I think there are also some other ways to do it. Instead of just giving, why not create a win win cituation for all the parties involved. Find way’s to make the money they give not only work for the charity but for them as well. I think this would help raise more money because people could give money they didn’t know they had, like equity in their homes or an I.R.A.

How does that work you ask? We don’t want people to lose their home’s or retirement! Of course not, I feel the same way, i am simply suggesting some different techniques that you might not think of were everyone involved could get something and possibly do even more then previously thought.

For example, let’s say you have $10,000 to give, normally, a charity would hand you a receipt for the donation which you could then use as a deduction on your taxes. Nothing wrong with this, it’s done all time. It works because they get the money they need and you get a deduction which helps you put more money in your pocket at the end of the year. Well, what if you could accomplish the same thing without losing the power of the money. We could leverage that money, creating a savings or retirement for you, while at the same time setting up monthly or yearly cash flow for them.

Here’s how it would work, you take the $10,000, put it into a mutual fund that pay’s a guaranteed dividend and alocate the bonus to be paid to the charity on a yearly basis which can be deducted. (I’m no tax pro, so the details would have to evaluated by a professional of course). There are annuities out there right now that pay a guaranteed 10% return, plus the yearly yield plus a 10% up front bonus, the only stipulation is the money must stay in for a minimum of ten years. So, let’s see how this would work, the donator put’s up the ten grand, it goes into a separate account. This account funds the ten year annuity and pays the bonus up front which can be spread out over the whole year if need be. Now the donator still has the money working for them, earning a yield which they will cash out in ten years and the charity gets the bonus of $1000 up front. They could also choose to have the bonus paid monthly, the donator simply directs this monthly payment to go to the charity which helps them more then once and since this payment can also be automated, they will have a secure stream on income for the next ten years. The donator gets a tax deduction and also still has the original ten grand in the bank earning them a profit while still providing a monthly deduction that they would normally not have. They could even set it up to have the money donated at the end of the ten year period, or just allocate the yield. Since the fund had a yield they will have successfully helped fund an entire project every month with a bonus at the end and still have their original donation left over when it’s all done at the end of the ten years.

That is a rough draft of the idea and the details of it all would need inspection and planning by a professional, but the idea is still sound. They could even use the annuity to fund a property that cash flowed and pay out a percentage of those profits to the charity on a monthly or yearly basis. This would still give them the deduction they needed, if that was the goal for them, simultaneously funding the charity on a secure monthly basis and building wealth for the donator in two ways, one on the annuity itself, and two, on the property. The property’s value doesn’t have to go up very high for this to work, it simply needs to be worth more later then it is now. The property would also provide an exit strategy for both parties and could also be donated with the deduction going to the donator.

So, as you can see, this is just one way to be creative when doing something simple like helping a charity of your choice. Strategies like this will help everyone involved, not to mention the people that rent the house. They could be future home owners that need to build their credit to qualify for their own loan and since the fund goes for ten years and building credit takes about two years, you could help 5 families with one house, build equity to be cashed out later, have a long term savings plan with a guaranteed yield and fund a charity all with the same money!

Now, I don’t know about you, but that get’s me excited! To me, it’s nice to know that there are many different and creative ways to kill two birds with one stone! That’s the difference, is knowing how to get your money working for you instead of you always working for it.

Another great day completed, we went home knowing we met and helped someone who was doing something good in the world!


DAY 11 Emergency water!

As I drive home from work, I am excited to get back to work on my debt free goals. I also have to run some errands and pay a few bills. My plan is to do both, bills, then business. I have learned how to get things done and take time for business, it’s a simple matter of being organized.

One tool I use often is the Google calander. It integrates into my gmail contacts and makes it easy to schedule events. I can also set up reminder emails and text messages right to my phone. It’s a powerful tool and keeps me on track. It allows me to invite via email so my associates can see the meeting time and place and respond if need be.

As soon as I get home I am surprised by my mother who proceeds to tell me that one of the pipe’s broke last night. We have had several days of cold weather, we let the faucets drip but that didn’t work.

It always seems like when I am ready to go get things done, some emergency pops up to stand in the way. This ironic occurrence is life at it’s best and one must simply deal with it, like it or not. I was already tired, had a rough night but was holding steady with just enough energy to tackle to errands and still go see some properties I had lined up, but now I had to deal with even more.

We decided to take a detour to the local cafe and have breakfast while planning what to do. Last night’s pipe breaking incident, while stressful for mom to deal with alone, at night with no phone, was hard, it proved to be an attention getter and motivator for us to move forward even faster!

I like it when we can take something bad and turn it around for the good and that’s just what we did! We had a great business meeting. The incident "woke" us up and gave us the strength to tackle some issues we had been putting off. You see, that’s how you do it, you keep moving forward in spite of the bad things that happen and find ways to turn them around.

this gave us the opportunity to set some deadlines and air out some much needed issues. We were able to get on the same page and actually come into agreement about where we need to be in the next few months and that would not have happened if the pipes didn’t break.

After breakfast we both felt better. We continued with the errands we had and scouted the neighborhood for more properties. Even though the extra meeting was not something I planned or even felt I had the energy for, I’m glad we did it!

We are now on track like never before to bring in the spring with new resources in place that will help us move very fast for the rest of the year.

We both feel time is of the essence. We set some firm date’s and deadlines and will now be able to move faster! It’s nice when your in agreement on things and everyone knows what to do, that’s when things really start to happen!

Our schedule is filling up fast and I look forward to us completing our first property deal in the next few months. This will help get me closer to my goal of being debt free too.

I’m happy to say that I feel like I am right on track this new year. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has set new years resolutions and not followed through on them, but for some reason, I feel that this year will be different. I also feel like I have managed to stay on track so far and that things are moving ahead for the first time in a long time!

I don’t know why it seems to take me forever to get things done, but I take comfort in the fact that I am at least moving in a forward direction this year, and so far, it hasn’t stopped yet!

Tomorrow we meet with the landlord of our current house and will call on the properties we saw today.

The trick to this whole process is to keep doing at least one thing every day that gets me closer to my goal. I can safely say that so far I have done that! I plan to continue this process through out the year and will post everything here on the blog.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. I hope that soon I will be able to post some info about our first few deals so you can see how it all works. It may seem that I’m getting off to a slow start but even on my days of rest I am still doing something to move ahead. Soon it will pick up momentum and these posts will hopefully be more interesting and helpful to anyone who reads them.

Until laters :)

DAY 10 movies

Well, it’s officially ten day’s into the new year! Time for another day of rest & movies to prepare for coming week. I know my new word for this year is Action, but even the best have to take a day off.

Progress so far has been good even though it seems slow.I guess working a full time job while trying to pull off the impossible is not the best way to do things, but I can’t wait until all my ducks are lined up before starting, I have to do it now, using the resources I currently have. If working full time while attempting the amazing feat of becoming debt free in the next six months is the hard way to go, then i guess I’ll just have to do it the hard way.

Seems like my entire life has been done the hard way. I am not sure why that is but I wouldn’t give up the past for anything. I feel like it’s simply prepared me for what is to come. I believe you have to make things happen in spite of what life brings you, that is why I will continue to move on anyway.

I like movies, they help me dream while providing the chance to escape for it all. That two hour session of seeing things from someone else’s point of view always helps me forget how hard I have it. I also get the chance to dream about what could be!

I have always been a dreamer and I don’t plan to ever change that. I think it was einstein who once said that "imagination is everything". I believe that to be true. I think a big problem with the world today is that people have forgotten how to dream, or simply given up on the idea all together. Sad but true, people seem to think that the reality of life is doing things we don’t enjoy. For some reason, I don’t think we were meant to live that way. I think we get caught up in the day to day survival and forget how to imagine what our life could really be like if we only tried. I know it’s happened to me, I would get a great idea, then try it, and when it didn’t work for whatever reason, i would quit. I’m determined not to quit anymore!

what ever gave us the idea that we should be able to try something one time and be successful at it right off the bat? How is it that we think just because it didn’t work the first time that it wouldn’t work the next? Have we all forgotten that try and try again until you get it is exactly how we all learned to walk. I mean really, if we just gave up the first time we fell while trying to walk into mommy’s out stretched arms, we would have missed out on half our life. Don’t we realize that the only way to learn is to make mistakes? Then why is it such a stretch of the imagination to think that our next idea will fail so why bother trying? I have been victim to that kind of thinking too.

The main thing to remember is not to beat yourself up over the past. I know that’s a hard thing to do, but it’s the truth! If we would just let go of all those past let downs and focus on the future, we all would be very different people, and, a lot happier I might add!

So that’s my goal this year, to focus on the future! I will keep trying until I get right, no matter how long it takes! That is exactly why I am writing this blog, it’s a daily way to work towards all the things I want out of life. Posting to a daily blog is a big commitment for me and I am going to follow through on it!

That’s my thoughts for today, going to rest now and watch a movie, after all, it’s Sunday and I could use some rest after that long weekend at work.

laters :)

DAY 9 money strategies

It’s Saturday Morning and I’ve just arrived home from a long night at work. I have a great job and although I still love doing it, I have to say, sometimes it can be exhausting, not to mention, stressful.

I like Saturday’s, even though I work on the weekends, there is still a feeling of fun. While people with normal jobs take the day off, I am still working, even though ive been up all night.

I have several properties to look at online today, one of wich is a friends who I am helping. It’s funny, I remember year’s ago, when I was self employed, how I never new where my next check was coming from. Even though I did enjoyed the challenge, it was a constant pressure I do not enjoy. My friend who I am helping, is still self employed and although he makes a go of it, he sometimes asks me how we can make some money together. In the past when he would ask I would come up with a plan or project for us that concentrated making money only for that day or two. Now, when he asks, since i’m learning new techniques to move money around on a larger scale, my idea’s are different, requiring more time an energy but with a bigger pay off.

I think it’s funny now when he asks because it make’s me think back to a time when I could not see these kinds of opportunities and would have suggested something altogether different. while there is nothing wrong with two guys going out and making some quick cash by washing some windows or hitting some restaurants to do balloon animals, it occurs to me, that these efforts to not bring in a steady stream of income. I am learning how to set things up in such a way as to doing the work once and getting paid over and over again, either through residual income, or automated sale’s on the internet.

It’s amazing to me how many people think that in order succeed you have to come up with a new idea or be in on the ground floor of something new in order to make the big bucks. that idea is simply not true. there is nothing wrong with finding new improved ways of doing things but a lot can be said for following a ready made system and getting your part of the market share.

I used to think that too, now I’m glad that I dont. there are many ways to create consistent income and that is what I’m after. I love to be creative and someday when i have more time and resources I will work towards some new ideas but for now I just want to get a handle on using what I do have to its upmost potential.

For example, most people don’t know, that saving only $100 per month at compound interest, will produce over $1.3 million in just over 40 years. How many people do you know have worked theirwhole lives and have nothing to fall back on? there is simply no excuse for it, especially when something like a simple long term savings plan could secure their future retirement. this savings idea is not hard, there is nothing new to it, its simply having to knowledge of how to make your money work for you instead of you working for it.

There are also many strategies pertaining to real estate that I intend to employ to get my money working for me, they are simple, but no one thinks of doing them. for instance, purchasing a rent house that cash flows enough to pay for your new car. it’s simple, let’s say you had enough money to pay for the car outright, instead of giving that money to the dealership or bank, buy a property with it. then cash flow the property by putting renters in their and use that to make your monthly car payment. this way you have taken the same amount of money and used it to gain wealth through your rent house which will go up in value. so, instead of just giving the money to the bank and buying an asset that goes down in value, you have two assets for the same price. one goes down in value (the car) while the other goes up. this way, when your ready for a new car, you could sell the house, pay off the old car and buy a new one and still have a nice profit from the whole venture.

These are the strategies and things I think of and they are also what’s going to get me to my debt free date!

until tomorrow!



It’s Friday again so I must pre-pair for work at the casino. This is usually the hardest night of the week so I try to get more rest, therefore, business will have to wait.

Even though I rest more today, I do try to do at least one thing each day that will get me closer to my goal. To stay true to my plan I am researching affiliate programs online.

One of my favorite "guru’s" of affiliate marketing is Jeff Adams. He has a great website called under groun training lab and there are many helpful video’s about blog’s and PPC marketing.

PPC (pay per click) advertising is probably one of the easiest way’s to make money online is the number one tool for affiliate marketing in general. I have been studying online marketing for almost two year’s now and affiliate marketing is my next venture.

I like online marketing because once it’s set up it can be virtually automated. It also works while you sleep, bringing in residual income 24/7. I have to say, that is defiantly appealing to me!

About two year’s ago I started a website selling coffee from Costa Rica, its called, costa rica coffee cafe. I am proud to say that it was successful and is still going today. Unfortunatly I had to let the site go because I could no longer pay for the setup and ultimately lost it. Some one else acquired it from the domain web-hosters and it still goes’s on today, I am proud of that, even though I’m not making any money from it right now.

That is one of my goals this year, to pay off the software I purchased through Stores Online and set up another coffee website among other’s. Even though I feel affiliate marketing is the way to go, I do like the idea of having my own website’s selling various products. I plan to have many site’s and cannot wait to finish paying for the software so I can get started again.

That’s all for today, I’ll be back tomorrow! I also welcome any comments, idea’s or suggestions you may have, so feel free to let me know!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

DAY 7 Millionaire Possibilities

Today was good, we attended the Millionaire Possibilities meeting here in Okc.  I want to express how important it is to stay surrounded with people of like mind!  I'ts so easy to get down on your self or to be negative, especially when the world around you is, that's why meeting's like this are so very important.
The road to success, what ever that may be for you, is hard enough by it's self, when you add in negativity from the world or people around you it can be seemingly impossible to keep going.  Having at least one place where you can go to get the positive input and reinforcement you need is a must and that's what this meeting alway's does for me.
It's great to be around people who are thinking, saying and doing the same things I am working on and who can give you the advice and inspiration needed to carry on with your dream.

They say, you are who you hang around.  I never really put much thought to that until I started hanging around the right people, I have to say, it does make a difference.
We have been to this meeting before but for one reason or another we stopped going.  I am glad that we started the year off on the right foot and got plugged back into the right crowd.
This group is a local meeting of investors and landlords who come together to share information and ideas to help each other grow their businesses!  It is a great thing to have and wonderful to watch people come together with a common goal in mind and to work together, especially since that kind of team work rarely seems to happen in the business arena.
I've had a simular goal to bring people together on a regular basis and teach them about money and how to invest it.  Investments can take many different forms and most people don't know even the basics, for instance, instead of getting a tax refund as a worker, why not save that money and earn interest on it yourself before you pay it in to the government.  If we pay taxes in the normal fashion we are essentially giving uncle sam a free loan on our money.  Simply changing this one thing could give most people some income to start investing with.
I for one am doing everything I can this year to make my money work for me instead of me working for it.
Going to meetings like this always get me excited again and thats exactly what I needed since our recent set back during the first meeting of the year.  This meeting helped me get focused again on the things I need to do in order to get this business off the ground and make it profitable.
I am excited to know that there are others out there right now doing real estate deals and making money with it in this economy and right here in my own city.  Sometimes, just knowing that it's possible is not enough, one needs someone to look up to, someone to show you how it's done as an example and thats what this meeting provides.
Another good thing about taking this action tonight and going to the meeting is the people we meet that we can network with on future deals.  These are all people in our industry that have the knowledge and experience we need to be successful and they are all whiling to help.

I'm happy to get back to the basics and do the things I know that work.  We met some great people tonight and also re-connected with others.  One thing I know that will help me on the road to becoming debt free this year is to wholesale properties.  In fact, this one strategy alone can pay all my bills and raise the capitol I need to do some deals on my own without using anyones else's money.  I am all for using other peoples money but it does cut down the amount I can make on a deal and its going to be nice in the future to not have that problem.
I am going out this week to find some properties to wholesale and then run the numbers and use the contacts we got from the meeting tonight.  I can't wait to get started!  I already have some good ideas of where to go now and its just a matter of time before we have our first deal in hand and get paid on it.
Once I get the first deal done and actually have the money in hand I know it will simply be a matter of time before I do it again and that's how I'm going to become debt free this year!

until the next day comes......

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today has been a time of rest for me.  I have decided to take the day off and continue working at home from the computer.  I have many things to look up online concerning the properties we are interested in.
I am also watching some video's on how to complete the paper work on a real estate deal from beginning to end.
The stress and energy from the past week have worn me down a bit so I am mostly resting, even taking time out to watch some movies and regenerate.  Although I'm resting at home today I am still continuing with my commitment to take action this year by doing some work online.
Part of the work I'm doing today is updating this blog from the past 5 day's of business activity.  You may notice that I post several day's work at once, this is due to time constraints.  Everyday I take notes for this blog and save them for posting at a later date if I'm not able to get online that day.

Most of my work today is organizing my work space at home and looking up the values on two properties using the county assessor's website.  I also use google map's and am creating another website where I will keep all of the gathered information through my research.  Most of the information will not be publishable in order to keep to keep the confidentiality of the parties involved.  I will however post as much info as possible to this blog, including photo's and videos as they become available, so stay tuned!

Thanks again to all for taking the time to stop by and read of my exploits.  Like I said in earlier posts, my goal with this blog is to help people by hopefully being an inspiration to take action on your ideas.
I believe we all have at good ideas at one time or another but it's those that act on those thought's that get something done.  Anything is possible if we would simply act instead of only thinking about it.
I know that for me, many times,  it's easy to paralyze myself through endless evaluation and analysis.  It's easy to fear the unknown or think that I need something else before I can begin, when, in reality, it's not as hard as we think.  Most of the time people need to see all the steps involved before they act.  I have also been a culprit of that kind of thinking.  I would say to myself, "if I only had this, or only had that" then I would be able to move.  It's easy to do because we don't want to get ourselves in trouble or lose what we already have by making a hasty decision, but the reality is, it's not as hard as we make it out to be.
So, in oder for me to overcome this kind of thinking, I am simply putting action to my idea's even if I don't see how it from beginning to end.  I have no problem with being prepared or taking the time to do things right by thinking them all the way through, but, I also know that I can't wait for everything in my life to line up just right or I'll be waiting forever.

That's my goal today that get's me closer to my debt free date, to use the action of the internet to research and get more info on paper that I can use for my business plan.  I can proudly say that I was able to accomplish this today!

that's all for now, more to come soon....I can't wait to have some juicy stuff to post too!  Juicy, meaning, I purchased the first property that I will use to leverage the funds and resources needed to make it to my debt free date of June 1st this Year!

Thanks for coming along for the ride, and please feel free to post any comments or thoughts you may have!
I welcome any input, even if I may or may not agree with it.


We met today around 10am.  It was the first business meeting with member's of our team.  Our goal was to set some guide lines for working together as well as establish a timeline for upcoming projects.
There was also a property we were going to look at, it's an 8 unit apartment building.  This particular property has been on the market for a long time which means the seller's may be open to some creative financing techniques.
The meeting started off well, however, about half way through there was a disagreement between several parties concerning our choice to focus on real estate this year.  Unfortunately they did not see eye to eye and things escalated into an argument that ended the meeting with one individual actually leaving.
An unfortunate set back to say the least.  Due to this happening, no business was accomplished.  This was upsetting for me because it seems once I get so close to making it happen some unexpected obstacle alway's seems to arise.  Although I am empathic with both parties on the issues that arose and helping them both come to a resolution, I am also dismayed, that once again, business is put on hold.
It's not to say that the problem is unimportant or cannot be solved, its just sad to me that people have such a hard time focusing on the task at hand.
To me, personal issues must be kept separate from business even when that is hard to do.  There also must be a mutual respect between parties to, at the very least, agree to disagree.  Maybe its a good thing that this happened now instead of slowing things down later.
At any rate, I am going to focus on moving forward, which is exactly what I did after the meetings end.
Once both parties were taken care of I continued to focus on the task at hand and salvage what I could of the meeting redirecting things back to business.  Unfortunately we had to cancel the property viewing and move on to something else.
I was determined to still get something on paper today even if it killed me.  Remember, I also worked all night at the casino, so by this time I had already been awake for a long time and was running out of energy.  Since my goal this year is to take action I was committed to getting something done even if it meant changing the plan.  They say that one must be flexible in business in order to survive and today was a test to that effect.

So, we decided to reconvene at another location and go from there.  We were meeting in a local restaurant and would need to go home to use the computer and look up needed info in order to continue.  Once we got to the apartment of one of the members of the team we took a quick break and got something to eat.  Then we decided to take a drive and look at other properties that were not on todays schedule.
Once we got back on the road I felt good again.  It was nice to get out even though it was late and I was getting very tired I wanted to make sure to take action no matter what.
We headed to the book store to look up some real estate info and get some new idea's.  Luckily I was able to find exactly what I needed!  I was looking for the denominator's for figuring the number's on properties.
There are several computations to make when figuring a property's current and future value.

One thing I believe is very important is to have things written down.  Especially when it come's to writing a business plan.  I think the one thing that stops most people from getting their idea's off the ground is the lack of knowing how to write a business plan or read a financial statement.
Writing a business plan, actually getting it on paper, is in my opinion, one of the most important things I must do this year.  I must learn how to write a plan and the best way to learn that I know of is by doing it.
Once I have a plan on paper I can get financing for it!  Any kind of financing be it through a bank or private lender must have a written plan.  My goal this year is to get things on paper, not just writing down my goals or do to lists, but actually writing an entire business plan from beginning to end.

So that's what we did today, even though we had a set back, we continued on to do what we could with the time we had left and to continue with taking action and getting something down on paper.
After looking up the information we needed, we sat down in the coffee shop and began to write down a simple list of things we would need to move on a project we came up with several weeks ago.

That's it for today, I'm happy that I have three day's off and I plan to get lot's more done.  It's been a long night and day, for now, I'm going to get some rest and start again tomorrow.

Next post coming soon.


It's Monday morning, the first business day of the new year!

I am still excited about the thing's to come this year!  I know it's going to be a great time and I love the challenge of becoming Debt Free by my birthday on June 1st 2010!  Many people are asking me how I plan to do this?
Well, that's the question, how?  I believe that we can do anything if we put our minds to it and decide not to take  no for an answer.  In order to accomplish this task of becoming debt free I will have to work very hard and fast.
My goal is to put into action all of the things I've been studying and working on for the past two year's concerning Real Estate.  It was 2 year's ago that we went to our first seminar about real estate and since then many great things have happened.  I took the information they gave me and acted on it and it worked!  For the first time in my life I was able to realize one of my dreams of having a big house to live in with all my friends.
I accomplished that and I must say it was a lot of fun! I also wanted to help my mother get a house of her own and that to I was able to do thanks to the information and techniques that were shown at the meeting.
My mother and I have allway's had a desire to do real estate and when Robert Kyosaki came to town we signed up for the meeting.
I have read many of Roberts books over the years and I have to say, they have changed my thoughts about money.  The cash flow quadrant is one of my favorite books.  That book has had a profound eye-opening effect on me concerning money and how it works and the proper way to think about it all.
All of us do things according to a picture in our minds that has been developed over the our own year's of experience.  It's safe to say, that the richer 1% of the world have very different idea's of money then we worker's do.  Understanding the differences in thinking has changed me for the better.  I now know why and how thing's work correctly because I am looking at them through different eye's.
For me, I allways knew I could have what I wanted if I worked hard enough but I didnt understand how.  Now that I've had some training, not only by reading the books, but through the seminar's and putting it into action by actually doing what they said to do, I know for a fact that having what I want out of life is going to be true.
It all come's down to one simple truth, Action & persistence!  I know it's taken me a long time to get to this point, many years of trying, but I'm happy to finally be here.  I'm at the point now where I can finally put into action all the things i've learned along the way and see it come true.
My thanks go out to Robert and his staff for they really opened my eye's and helped me to take the leap.

Today I'm having the first business meeting of the new year.  My business manager and I are planning our first business meeting with members of our team tomorrow morning.  Our goal is to set some guidelines and look at a few properties.  One of the main goal's today was for the two of us to get on the same page about where we want to be in the near future and how to get there.  We are also organizing everything in our lives in order to facilitate this process to happen as fast as possible.
I believe there is no more time to waste.  Many things are happening in today's world, some are scary while other's offer hope, all in all, it's time to move forward and stop worrying or dreaming about it.

The new word for me this new year is ACTION!  I have so many ideas, dreams and goals and this is my time to shine and make it happen!  It's time to move forward in the best way I know how and if I'm not sure then I'll find someone who knows and ask.  The main thing is to act, if there is a call to be made I make it.  If we need a business plan on paper then we start writing it down even if we don't know how.  Nothing is going to stand in my way of having the things in life I've allways wanted.  I am also commited to helping others get what they want too.  I love to help friends and family or anyone who shows the desire to succeed.
Success mean different things to us all, but for me, it means, having the resources to do the things i've allways wanted to do and to be able to help my friends do the same and get what they want.

Thanks for comming along for ride, I appreciate all the reader's who stop by to hear about my dealings in the real estate and e-commerce arena and I hope that this blog prove's to be an inspiration for you to also move forward on the thing's you want in life.

I'm not sure how I'm going to get there yet, being debt free in six months may prove to be hard and seemingly impossible but I know I can do it if I stay the course and keep my head in the game.

I hope I can help other's along the way.

Until the next post.......


It's now Sunday Morning, I am arriving from a long night at work.  Saturday nights at the casino poker room can be challenging sometime's, luckily for me, things went smooth!
I was still excited about the new year, not as much as friday night but still eager.  I enjoy sharing my idea's with fellow workers, I think they sometimes get tired of my ranting's but they do help me come up with new idea's.

I was able to write a few things down during my break time last night, one of which will prove to be helpful concerning the property in the paseo I'm wanting to buy.  I came up with 2 new strategy's of how to impliment my Paseo Project.
The Paseo Project is something of a dream for me.  I will call it Paseo Productions.  It's a community project where local artists of all kinds will come together to collaborate and bring thier products to the market place.
Most artists are very good at what they do, however, when it come's to marketing, many time's they lack the skill's, knowledge or resources to make it happen.
My plan is to provide a facility with a full recording studio for them to produce their work.  This project will be funded by the community through federal and local grants.  The location is centrally placed in the paseo arts district and will compliment the current estabishments as well as provide new traffic and business for them.
That's all for today since it's sunday and I usually rest on this day due to it being a non-business day.
I will begin fresh tomorrow morning after work.  One thing I like about working the night shift is being awake and ready to go in the mornings when I get off.  It's nice to up and dressed early ready for business and since I am normally not a morning person, this schedule serves me well for business purposes.

Monday morning I have scheduled my first business meeting which will be the first business day of the new year.  Currently, my mother serves as my business manager.  There are many more currently on our team but for now we are setting up the schedule for the new year and deciding which direction to go in first.

Until then.......


Day 2,
  Saturday morning, just getting home after a long night at work.  I love my job, it does get stressful at times but I still enjoy what I do, it's pretty good as far as a job goes.

I don't mind working for a living, in fact, it's been quite a different life for me. I was self-employed for many year's and while I love the freedom, having a steady paycheck has been very good for me.  I do like the security it offer's along with the comfort of not having to wonder where my next check will come from.  After 5 year's of working steady for someone else, as good as it may be, I now desire to work for myself again.  Nothing wrong with having a good job but there is something about the freedom of working for yourself that I do enjoy.
If you feel like having the day off, you just ask the "boss" and he usually say's yes, lol.

My feeling is simple, I want more out of life then I am currently getting.  I want to travel the world, live stress free knowing my bills are alway's paid in advance and more than anything, I want my time back!
Time to spend with family and loved one's, friends and new people I meet along the way.  I want the time to indulge in a project for day's or week's at a time, like learning how to swing dance the lindy again, or, play the piano like I used to.  There are so many thing's to do in life, place's to see and people to have fun with that I want to spend my life enjoying those things instead of allway's being at work.
People may say that this is impossible, that responsibility alway's abounds and though they may be right to an extent, they are missing one truth, it only take's money.  If I had the right amount, I could do what I wanted and enjoy it.
I had a good night at work, I was excited about the new year. Infact, I was in such a good mood that my co-worker's said they could tell me the building was burning down and I would just be happy for the extra heat!

I was happy because I feel that this is going to be a great year!  I look forward to the challenge of making my dreams come true!  Becoming Debt Free is only the first step.  My goal's are broad and vast as the many thing's I will accomplish in year's to come.

Saturday nights at work are hard for me so I must rest today in preporation for tonight.  I am taking 15 minutes to research some online data concerning a piece of property in the paseo that i've had my eye's on for about two year's now.

More to come tommarrow, stay tuned!

Friday, January 1, 2010

DAY 1 "the beginning"

Happy New Year to ALL! My Name is Michael Looper, Known Online as "Magic Mike Coffee". This is the first day in my Journey to becomming Debt free On June 1st of this year! I woke up feeling very good today. My Creativity is flowing, along with the excited anticipation of great things to come. This blog is a representation of my commited desire to succeed in becomming DEBT FREE this year! My goal is to be debt free by JUNE 1st This year! I want to record this journey by posting daily actions I have taken on my journey to fullfilling this goal. They say, nothing happens without taking action, well, this is my way of doing just that. I've allway's wanted to keep a daily journal of my progress, so I figured, why not share it with the world. I will list any and all idea's and actions taken on this blog for all to see. I welcome any input or ideas you may have. I believe that we all have good idea's at least once in our live's and it's the one's who act on them that make it. My goal with this blog is to show the daily progress and struggles one goes through along the road to success. I realize that success can mean different things to all of us, my version of success may not be your version, but in our own way, we all have an idea of what our own utopia could be or would look like. My idea of utopia is being able to live my current lifestyle whithout the daily stress of how to pay the bill's. I want options, meaning, I want the resources to spend my time more wisely. I want my time back! I want to spend my time doing the things I love, with the people I love, without having to worry about how the light bill is going to get paid. Things like, playing the piano again, traveling abroad, takeing trips with friends to tournament around the U.S.A. to play Poker, Chess, or Billiards. To me, just living to pay bills is a sorry exsistence. We all have responabilities and there are allways things we have to do in life that we don't like, but, spending 80% of my time, just to pay bills, and then never having enough to do so, just seems like a stupid way to live. My goal this year is to break out of that cycle. I am going to do that by taking action on my idea's and dreams. As I take this journey, I am going to list it here in this blog so I can watch it play out. Anyone who reads this is welcome to come along for the ride. If you have idea's for me, or yourself, please list them here. Feel free to comment and collaborate, for together, I believe we can make a better tommarrow! So this was DAY 1 of; My DEBT FREE JOURNEY! Come with me! Let's have fun on the road to success! Enjoy the journey!

One Funnell Away Challenge Week #1

Mission #1 Offer Hacking This 30 day program is so exciting!!   Russell Brunson and his team is showing us the secrets of online marketin...