Thursday, March 18, 2010

I dream of the Beach!

I dream of the beach, where the sand is soft, the sun is warm, and the sound of the waves crashing the shore fills the air. A cool salty breeze brushes my cheeks while the soft warm water carries me away. The best part is at night with the open sky showing all the stars gleaming away. Settling next to a warm campfire with friends and good music, roasting some marsh-mellows and thinking, it doesn’t get any better than this!

There are many beautiful beaches in the world and some of the best are in Costa Rica where I grew up. I plan to go back there soon on vacation, to witness the beauty I’ve been missing for so many years. I can’t wait to go back, it’s all I think about these day’s, but the real question is, can I do it for good? That’s the plan, to make this online thing work, to get another house and then parlay those investments into a real income.

Most people wonder why nothing happens in their life accept the same old thing. They wonder how to get ahead, where to go and tools or knowledge to use. I felt the same way for a very long time until I realized in order to get different results I have to do something different. It wasn’t just a matter of taking Action, it’s also about what kind of Action to take?

Action is my new favorite word this year which will move me in a forward direction. The problem is knowing which direction your going in. Knowing how to get to your goal is half the battle. We seem to be paralyzed by what we don’t know or understand, afraid to take the next step without knowing how it’s going to work out. That fear is what holds us back, the fear of the unknown. Maybe you never had this problem but for me it’s been a constant battle.

I can proudly say that I am winning the battle and moving forward even though I don’t always understand what’s happening at the time. I know that moving in some direction as opposed to no direction is sometimes better because at least that can be redirected. It’s when we don’t move at all that we stagnate and wither away. It’s when we think we have a good idea but we don’t act on it for the lack of knowing how to even start.

I am here to say don’t let that stop you anymore. It’s time to get moving, even if we don’t have all the answers, some direction is better than none.

What I have learned in the past few years is that moving is always better. I know we have to be smart about it, we can’t just go in any direction, but my point is simply this; sometimes the answer doesn’t come until you start to move. Once you start moving you can then quickly adjust as needed.

That’s why I am writing this blog, simply to start moving and keep going until I find my way. I’m also doing my best to plan it out, taking it one step at a time. This blog represents to me the act of moving in the direction I want to go even if I’m not sure what that is yet. I know I want to make money online, so I’m doing it by setting up some offers to go along with my writings. The hope is to generate good content that people will like and while they are here, they may take a minute to do something else that gets them paid.

It seemed like a good place to start, writing my thoughts, getting them on paper and at the same time learning how to offer things that people may like and get some help from. This does two things for me, it gives me the opportunity to make a commission on a sale, but most of all, it’s proof in my mind that I can do it if I will only try.

Thanks for your time in reading this, and now I’m going to recommend that you do the same, try something different, get some results and then go from there. Take a look, read about me giving it a try and then go do it yourself.


  1. Very good concept there Michael. I like the part about just moving and you can change direction if need be, because it's better than not moving at all. Kudos for keeping up with your blog :-)


  2. Thanks Judy, it's nice to know someone noticed the effort to continue!
    I'm not sure what directions this is taking me but I do know one thing, I am going to follow through with it, keep writing and working to make this online thing work!

    Thanks for the support! :)


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