DAY 11 Emergency water!
As I drive home from work, I am excited to get back to work on my debt free goals. I also have to run some errands and pay a few bills. My plan is to do both, bills, then business. I have learned how to get things done and take time for business, it’s a simple matter of being organized.
One tool I use often is the Google calander. It integrates into my gmail contacts and makes it easy to schedule events. I can also set up reminder emails and text messages right to my phone. It’s a powerful tool and keeps me on track. It allows me to invite via email so my associates can see the meeting time and place and respond if need be.
As soon as I get home I am surprised by my mother who proceeds to tell me that one of the pipe’s broke last night. We have had several days of cold weather, we let the faucets drip but that didn’t work.
It always seems like when I am ready to go get things done, some emergency pops up to stand in the way. This ironic occurrence is life at it’s best and one must simply deal with it, like it or not. I was already tired, had a rough night but was holding steady with just enough energy to tackle to errands and still go see some properties I had lined up, but now I had to deal with even more.
We decided to take a detour to the local cafe and have breakfast while planning what to do. Last night’s pipe breaking incident, while stressful for mom to deal with alone, at night with no phone, was hard, it proved to be an attention getter and motivator for us to move forward even faster!
I like it when we can take something bad and turn it around for the good and that’s just what we did! We had a great business meeting. The incident "woke" us up and gave us the strength to tackle some issues we had been putting off. You see, that’s how you do it, you keep moving forward in spite of the bad things that happen and find ways to turn them around.
this gave us the opportunity to set some deadlines and air out some much needed issues. We were able to get on the same page and actually come into agreement about where we need to be in the next few months and that would not have happened if the pipes didn’t break.
After breakfast we both felt better. We continued with the errands we had and scouted the neighborhood for more properties. Even though the extra meeting was not something I planned or even felt I had the energy for, I’m glad we did it!
We are now on track like never before to bring in the spring with new resources in place that will help us move very fast for the rest of the year.
We both feel time is of the essence. We set some firm date’s and deadlines and will now be able to move faster! It’s nice when your in agreement on things and everyone knows what to do, that’s when things really start to happen!
Our schedule is filling up fast and I look forward to us completing our first property deal in the next few months. This will help get me closer to my goal of being debt free too.
I’m happy to say that I feel like I am right on track this new year. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has set new years resolutions and not followed through on them, but for some reason, I feel that this year will be different. I also feel like I have managed to stay on track so far and that things are moving ahead for the first time in a long time!
I don’t know why it seems to take me forever to get things done, but I take comfort in the fact that I am at least moving in a forward direction this year, and so far, it hasn’t stopped yet!
Tomorrow we meet with the landlord of our current house and will call on the properties we saw today.
The trick to this whole process is to keep doing at least one thing every day that gets me closer to my goal. I can safely say that so far I have done that! I plan to continue this process through out the year and will post everything here on the blog.
Thanks for coming along for the ride. I hope that soon I will be able to post some info about our first few deals so you can see how it all works. It may seem that I’m getting off to a slow start but even on my days of rest I am still doing something to move ahead. Soon it will pick up momentum and these posts will hopefully be more interesting and helpful to anyone who reads them.
Until laters :)
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