DAY 10 movies
Well, it’s officially ten day’s into the new year! Time for another day of rest & movies to prepare for coming week. I know my new word for this year is Action, but even the best have to take a day off.
Progress so far has been good even though it seems slow.I guess working a full time job while trying to pull off the impossible is not the best way to do things, but I can’t wait until all my ducks are lined up before starting, I have to do it now, using the resources I currently have. If working full time while attempting the amazing feat of becoming debt free in the next six months is the hard way to go, then i guess I’ll just have to do it the hard way.
Seems like my entire life has been done the hard way. I am not sure why that is but I wouldn’t give up the past for anything. I feel like it’s simply prepared me for what is to come. I believe you have to make things happen in spite of what life brings you, that is why I will continue to move on anyway.
I like movies, they help me dream while providing the chance to escape for it all. That two hour session of seeing things from someone else’s point of view always helps me forget how hard I have it. I also get the chance to dream about what could be!
I have always been a dreamer and I don’t plan to ever change that. I think it was einstein who once said that "imagination is everything". I believe that to be true. I think a big problem with the world today is that people have forgotten how to dream, or simply given up on the idea all together. Sad but true, people seem to think that the reality of life is doing things we don’t enjoy. For some reason, I don’t think we were meant to live that way. I think we get caught up in the day to day survival and forget how to imagine what our life could really be like if we only tried. I know it’s happened to me, I would get a great idea, then try it, and when it didn’t work for whatever reason, i would quit. I’m determined not to quit anymore!
what ever gave us the idea that we should be able to try something one time and be successful at it right off the bat? How is it that we think just because it didn’t work the first time that it wouldn’t work the next? Have we all forgotten that try and try again until you get it is exactly how we all learned to walk. I mean really, if we just gave up the first time we fell while trying to walk into mommy’s out stretched arms, we would have missed out on half our life. Don’t we realize that the only way to learn is to make mistakes? Then why is it such a stretch of the imagination to think that our next idea will fail so why bother trying? I have been victim to that kind of thinking too.
The main thing to remember is not to beat yourself up over the past. I know that’s a hard thing to do, but it’s the truth! If we would just let go of all those past let downs and focus on the future, we all would be very different people, and, a lot happier I might add!
So that’s my goal this year, to focus on the future! I will keep trying until I get right, no matter how long it takes! That is exactly why I am writing this blog, it’s a daily way to work towards all the things I want out of life. Posting to a daily blog is a big commitment for me and I am going to follow through on it!
That’s my thoughts for today, going to rest now and watch a movie, after all, it’s Sunday and I could use some rest after that long weekend at work.
laters :)
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