My Birthday is coming up soon (June 1st) so I am gearing up for a great celebration! There are many things I enjoy doing, one of which is playing the piano. I also love to play poker & billiards and consider myself proficient in both.
This year I plan to continue working on my dreams of owning real estate while offering financial products and educating the public on the various avenues of profit that currently exist.
My goal is to be financially free along with Debt free between now and my next birthday.
I am not all work and no play because this year I am also going to travel. Destinations in mind include, Costa Rica, Hawaii & Europe along with some short trips to states nearby. I have always wanted to go on a cruise and I would love to play in world series of poker.
Other plans include filming a movie, writing a book and producing a CD of piano music. This may sound like a lot but in reality it's more then feasible with correct time management. Most people lose a lot of time to the T.V. or video games and while I love to watch a good movie as much as anyone I have decided to use that time else where.
Knowing that I, like many I assume, like to be lazy, I have decided to devote my time to being lazy in style by working now to relax in style later. It's called, delayed gratification and not easy to do. We are programmed to have everything right now and only see or do what we can today. I am training myself to exercise patience now while working on my dreams so that I can relax later the way I really want to. When I say later, I don't mean retirement age, I mean, reeeaaaallly, who wants to ski when your 60? Nothing wrong with it just I feel I won't enjoy it as much as I would if I went while I still had some athletic ability left, so to speak. What I am saying is I want to be young enough to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Hats off to anyone of any age who is able to live life the way they really want to, that's more then most of us can say, I'm simply stating that my goal is to do it a little sooner. If that means that for now I have to turn off the t.v. for a few years then so be it, I will have plenty of time to catch up on it later while sailing on my yaught!
All that to say this, I am working everyday to fulfill the dreams and ideas I have had inside for so long and I hope that you all can come along with me and enjoy the ride! If you have dreams then by all means get to work on them, stop looking at whats stopping you and start looking at what you Can do today! That's what I am doing and I have to tell you, it works better then you might think!
If your like me, you may have told yourself I can't do that yet or I have to wait for such and such to happen first. Thinking like that has often held me back, so I decided this year to move forward in spite of not having the correct tools in place. I want to see how far I can get doing it the hard way. Yes, it would be nice if everything I think I needed to have in order to get started would just line up for me but waiting for that to happen has taken years off my life. Instead, I am just moving, even if it's in the wrong direction. I try my hardest to do things the right way but I have decided that the hard way is better then no way at all!!
At least I feel I am moving in the right direction now even if it's taking me a very long time to get it done I am still trying and I know that if I do it long enough I will eventually get there and that's to me what is most important. I am also going to enjoy the ride along the way and definitely stop to smell the roses with my morning coffee!!
This is Magic Mike Coffee saying...Thanks for Reading!
Live your Dreams!